Il y a des nuits et des nuits

Catalog reference number: IPS 0300 - Early Time Collection
CD release date: March, 2000. Out of print.
Available on Qobuz, Itunes, Deezer, Spotify, 7digital, musicMe,
Tidal, Google play.
of Toupidek limonade, wolfy-trio with goods ideas as always, with
a rather bright cerebral liberation rather high, warm musics, whirwinds
and deliciously creamy songs.
Pinguinly recovering.
Toupidek Limonade's discography
Early Times
Putting forward un-new recordings: gold & times, filled
with an out-of-fashion genuiness. A music of feelings like
some old out of time whisky. An anti-revival binge because
milleniums come one after the other and we don't care.