Pièces Musicales avec Vue, Trois Musiques pour le Théâtre
et la Peinture

A disc INOUÏ Productions, distibuted by InPolySons..
CD release date: 2006. Out of print.
Our friend Guigou is back for the second time as a one-man
band (cf. Le Batteur...) to set
some plays and artistic exhibitions in music. Guigou Chenevier,
a front-rank drummer of the French underground scene of the
70 ies with his band Etron fou leloublan, is one of the few
musicians who manage to run long-time collaborations like
his combo Volapük and short-lived experiences, for instance
participating in dance or theater shows. These « Three
musics for theater and paintings » represents some kinf
of triptych. The first trip for the play Cairn written by
Enzo Corman is made of breathless miniatures that evoke his
duet Body Parts with the guitarist Nick Didkovsky. Besides
it's the first time that we discover the Guigou guitar player
and indeed his nickname fits him well ! The second trip illustrates
« Psychiatrie / Déconniatrie », an hilarious
and cranky show created by Christian Mazzuchini and based
on the anti-psychiatry. This time the music by Guigou with
the violinist Takumi Fukushima and the bassist Nicolas Chatenoud
is much more composed and recalls Volapük. The third
trip is quite amazing because Guigou moves on some kind of
ambient noise music, which proves he has more than one string
to his bow ! This new experimentation illustrates pictorial
works by Enrico Lombardi, a kind of contemporary PieroDella
Francesca, that evokes Giorgio De Chirico.
Three opus opi released by INOUÏ Productions and distributed
by your servant !
Triptychally necessary.