Catalog reference number: IPS 0103.
CD release date: January, 2003.
(The Pechno concept for this theoretician is related to
the « péquenots », the french word for
country bumpkins or hicks. So in order to clarify the text
for english speakers, we’ve translated it in hickno.)
« HICKNO ? What’s the hell is
that kind of doings ?
First let us acknowledge that before venturing in more sinuous paths,
WE the hichnovores used to be reared with Annie Cordy’s songs
(above all la Bonne du Curé period) and with Les Charlots’
hits, even more than with properly classical or jazz standards.
Nevertheless WE do accept the whole of our influences, including
even those which might spoil a fashionable curriculum vitae, that’s
that !
If we confine ourselves to the only level of aesthetics (dear me
!), the aforenamed hickno is not unrelated to its paronomastic cousin,
since the hichnocrat enjoys manipulating synthesizers, samplers,
every electronic hickeys and technological devices. Although he’s
used to playing the latest model of digital keyboards with helical
and sensitive keys, yet he isn’t more lost in dmiration for
it than for each kitchen ustensils that he hammers frequently or
for the cheese grater which he scrapes. Consequently, the pechno
music could be defined as a kind of techno without... er ! ... constipation.
However we honestly cannot reduce this matter to a straighforward
play on the H and T consonants. Actually the hicknophile can be
distinguished from the technologue for his rejecting every system
and any kind of systematisation : while the second one drags on
for six minutes with a funny (but still, not always) little loop
for only basis, the first one keeps shaking up his own foundations
; while the technotist endeavours to sound trendy and properly,
even applying himself in a snooty way to sound cheap, our hicknotician
will use any sound available to him.
To conclude it is fashionable to say a few more words about this
techno attitude on which sociologists are already divided, considering
that non content with having drawn a red herring accross the best
marked out trails, the hicknoid man has taste and flaunts them !
Thus for instance and parallel to his peculiar musical liking for
farty or belchy sounds, even hiccough, he is often fond of odoriferous
cheeses, released poetry, animals with flask bellies, nay slippers
and artistic movies. Moreover, you will be able to recognize infallibly
our hicknoman by his prefering the cherries stoner to the portable
So one is just born to be hickno, if not he can’t be.
Lastly, for laughs, if you try to ask one of the followers if there’s
a future for hickno, you should hear him howling his famous hickno
future ! ! ! »
-- Etienne Himnalanoy for InPolySons - september
Rurally avant-garde.
Sleeve designed by Jean-Marc Mathis