Catalog reference number: IPS 0509.
CD release date: May, 2009.
In 1989, InPolySons released its first record; the
compilation "Ubu et la MerdRe", as a tribute to
Alfred Jarry. 1989 was also the year of thebreak of the Berlin
wall: a new hope was born mostly for the young utopists. Twenty
years later, the word has changed and we will not review in
details all the bad things that happened since the end of
the cold war. Societies moved from unequal diversity to the
disaster of globalization.
Let's celebrate together this birthday, defending our ideas of
imaginary folk, funny but sincere poetry. The king UBU still lives
somewhere not far for here, but thanks to Faustroll pataphysical
spirit, we can be save from the deathly sadness of the world. Let's
be ephemeral and non credible, fragile and contradictory because
the future belongs to those kinds of people. Utopia will win, utopia
is our Nirvana, our way of thinking.
A large variety of music from trans post-rock (Palo Alto), to busted
(Jad Fair) rock and even degenerated rock (Pauvros), toy music(
Klimperei, Ayerbe), sound lanscape and electronic (Noetinger), as
well as sweet pop (Gangpol): Utopia comes in all form, but keeps
its shape! Dedicated to Lars Hollmer (dead during hte project) and
to his optimistic utopia.
Rennes, Wenesday 4th Pédale (135 E.P.), Saint Michet
01 Hutopie (Jean-François Pauvros)
02 Living in Utopia (David Fenech & Jad
03 Salut Topy (Klimperei)
04 Variations pour des pop-corn et un soupir (Dominique
Grimaud & Véronique Vilhet)
05 Land (Itoken)
06 STPL (with love) (Mme Patate)
07 Sept jeunes infirmières rient (Frédéric
Le Junter & Pierre Bastien)
08 Les monstres (Franck Collot)
09 Floater (Rocket Matsu)
10 Os court (Pascal Ayerbe)
11 File under Utopia (Palo Alto)
12 Tant que je lasse Yeah! (Jérôme
13 Lullaby (La Terre Tremble!!!)
14 Burn out (Alain de Filippis)
15 Minisme (La Société des Timides
à la Parade des Oiseaux)
16 Fantasy Attemps (Gangpol und Mit)
Dom Labreuil video : Ghost-Play
Back #4 (on Hutopie by Jean-François Pauvros).