> Prices:
10 euros per CD
12 euros per LP
10 euros for the DVD Labreuil
13 euros for the DVD of Juicy Panic
17 euros : double 7 inches.
7 euros : Pierre Berthet – Frédéric Le Junter: L'enclume des
18 euros : LP - la STPO: Les Liquidateurs
Prices for the Klimperei series "Improvisation with myself" (IWM):
6.5 euros per CD
Shipping: 1 euro per CD
Price of the box containing the 5 CDs : 34.50 euros (+ postage for 2 classic CDs).
Price of the box alone, with no CDs : 2.20 euros (postage included)
> Shipping:
To calculate shipping costs, please contact inpolysons[at]gmail.com.
> Where to order:
Directly from In Poly Sons (send a mail to inpolysons[at]gmail.com)
Download on the main platforms (itunes, Deezer, Amazon,
Downloading some CDs from MusicMe
> How to pay:
By PayPal for inpolysons[at]gmail.com.
By Chèque to InPolySons (ONLY FROM FRANCE) 34 rue
de Chatillon, 35000 Rennes, France.